Not even a mere virus can stop this Blog !

It has been EXACTLY 3 years since the last post and I understand that one seemed rather lackluster. I could make another april fools joke and end it here again, just for the laughs…And I will…

No, I won’t, please, keep reading, you have nothing else to do during these viral times of our life. My friends, let me be the one to tell you that everything will probably eventually maybe turn out well in the end, even if things don’t seem particularly great at this moment in time. That’s why we need diversions and that is my duty. As a professional blog writing celebrity, I offer you comfort in the words and letters I put on your computer or mobile screen, helping you to reach a more peaceful state of mind about the whole situation. Now, I am always the one breaking news and you might not have heard yet, but there’s a virus happening outside and that’s why most people stay inside. If you already knew, shame on you, you’re supposed to rely on this Blog for news, that’s the headline after all. If you didn’t know, shame on you, you have endangered people by your careless reliance on this Blog. You really should have known better !

By reading this Blog, you will be provided with some ideas on how to pass the time in a good, productive way, defeating both boredom and lethargy. My first advice is to watch things on the internet. Sure, everybody has told you that so far and you probably have watched a lot of the Netflixes and Disneys and Amazons and what not, but I am here to provide some free services to also help the ones, that don’t have any money to waste.

Youtube : Youtube is free, you can watch whatever, there is so much junk and trash (there might also be good content to be found, you just have to find it somehow, do not ask me how, it is a mystery to me) out there to watch, it’ll last you for ages, AGES !

IMDB TV :I think that’s free..Us European are not allowed to use it, so if you’re part of that American content master race, you can enjoy your free things there. If not, welcome to the club, we are outcasts and unwanted in their elite circle.

Crunchyroll : It is free and it has anime. You might have heard of anime, it is like Mickey Mouse but with more cleavage, panty shots and blood. Actually…those Disney characters all seemed rather lightly dressed as well, now that I think of it..Donald doesn’t even wear any pants !

Google : You can google anything. The world is yours to discover. Why even bother leaving the house when you can do everything from the comfort of your home ?

Wikipedia : Remember reading ? Old people used to do that, that’s why they’re old now. You can also become an old person by reading various articles now that you have the time. An education is always important, believe me as someone, who knows what he do speaks abouts.

Twitter and other social media bs ( also this blog, it’s basically a premium product given to you for free) :  You miss your friends and you want to stay in touch with them ? Wait, you already were using all that stuff before, nothing much changed. You can’t hang out at bars now or go to the movies, but watching things online and getting drunk over a webcam and headset is basically the same thing, just in a more sanitary environment. You can also study the secret art of conspiracy theories and learn to learn to not believe anything you ever hear on social media.

Spending time with the family : What…silly..that doesn’t sound fun.You keep using your mobile and computer for a reason and that reason is to forget about those haunting spectres of doom.

Video computer games : You would not believe it, but there is actually a lot of free stuff to play nowadays. You could even try one of those free multiplayer games, learning valuable life lessons like “you suck” and “git gud noob”. Learning is always fun.

Being creative : Imagine having spent your entire life outside doing mundane things and now you are sitting at home bored. You grab a pencil and a piece of paper and start doodling and BAM ! Picasso ! That could be you. The chances are very slim, but it could still be you. Now is the time to discover your creative side and express yourself through all the possible forms of art. The best thing is : You will most likely always have a willing audience, because your family is trapped with you. The joy of sharing your newly created poem or self composed 15 minute flute sonata is something you will probably never be able to experience again in your lifetime.

TEEVEE : I hear the TEEVEE is still free..basically..No idea how it’s working though.

Spotify Deezer and all those audio services : They are also mostly free. The sound of music often helps the human mind to relax and forget the stress and tension daily life is burdening us with. So go ahead, turn on Deathslayer, Murder Maniax and Grandmasta Killah and enjoy the mellow feeling that ensues.

Those were only a few ideas on how to spend your now not so valuable time, imagine what a smart person could come up with in a Blog like this. Still, I do love to help and you love to love me to love to help you, too.

We will probably meet again some day, let’s see what else I can come up with in 3 years, maybe we’ll have reached “radioactive wasteland” status by then. Best of luck and never forget : The End

About chrismesstree

But enough about me, what about you ? :o
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